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The Southwest Master/slave Contest celebrates the Master and slave and Owner property dynamic and is a positive outreach effort to the community at large to educate and build upon healthy Master and slave relationships.


The Southwest Master and slave titles are not about a particular “look,” dress, body type, gender, or sexual orientation and there is no required set of protocols that the winners are expected to follow. The Southwest Master and slave represent the community with integrity and enthusiasm. The contest is for couples who self-identify as Master/slave or Owner/property regardless of age, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.


The Southwest Master/slave contest is a feeder contest for the International Master/slave contest held at South Plains Leatherfest in Dallas, Texas. Winners of the Southwest Master/slave contest will enter the International Master/slave contest representing the Southwest region in early spring of the following year.

SW Region State Feeder Contests

The regional Master/slave contests were inspired in 2002.  At that time, Master Jim and slave marsha, owners of the International Master/slave Contest, wished to help establish five regions to serve as "feeder contests" for the International Master/slave contest event held during the South Plains Leather Fest weekend in Dallas, TX.  In October of that first year, the Southeast Master/slave Contest was established at the Together In Leather (TIL) event held in Charlotte, NC. â€‹â€‹â€‹


The Southwest Master/slave Contest started in January of 2003 in Phoenix AZ.  There has been a contest every year except 2007.  The regional contest remained in Phoenix until 2023 when it changed ownership and moved to Colorado Springs, CO.  The growth of Master/slave communities at local levels in the Southwest region prompted the introduction of State Master/slave Feeder Contests in 2014.  Colorado was the first and was immediately followed by Southern California and then Arizona.  Southern California stopped having State M/s Contests in 2018.  Arizona stopped having State M/s Contests in 2023.   Texas started a State M/s Contest in 2024.


Some states in the region have established M/s contests. Contestant pairs from states with active State Master/slave feeder contests must compete and win that state contest to be eligible to compete in the Southwest Master/slave contest.  If a state does not have a state-level feeder contestant, pairs can apply directly to the Southwest Master/slave contest.


Arizona – Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Colorado – Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Southern California – Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Hawaii – Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Nevada (South of Reno) - Open to all applicants for SW Ms


New Mexico - Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Oklahoma – Open to all applicants for SW Ms


Texas – State Feeder Contest


Utah - Open to all applicants for SW Ms​


If you are in a Southwest State that does not have a State Master/slave contest and you would like to start one, you can contact the Producers of the Southwest M/s Contest for information about starting a state contest.

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