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Power Dynamics for Radical Relationships
Sera Miles
FRIDAY 10:00 am - 11:30 am / Tent A
What if we could negotiate all our relationships from a place of self-truth and self-love? What if we stopped placing dominance on romantic dynamics and embraced the sanctity of each interpersonal connection? What if we believed our needs were so valuable, that we energetically facilitated getting them met? Let’s work toward believing we deserve every morsel of what we crave. Let’s develop intentional relationships while consciously questioning the tenets of monogamy and polyamory. Let’s allow our relationships to change just as we change.
Imagine the dynamics you could create and thrive in if you trusted your vision. Join Sera to uncover ways to dig into and express what you want and risk not only the sting of rejection, but also the ripe joy of fullness. What if you could feast at the table of your dreams come true?

Leather Traditions, Military Protocol and Victorian Sensibilities
Liza and her slave Jody
FRIDAY 10:00 am - 11:30 am / Tent B

Many of our leather traditions and certain Master/slave or Dom/sub protocols came from the military and from the Victorian era.  In this class, International Master and slave, Liza and her slave, Jody, will discuss the connections between military protocol, the traditions of so-called “old guard” leather, and etiquette according to Emily Post.  You will learn a little of the history of military protocols and leather traditions, including some of the reasons for certain traditions so you can decide which, if any, you wish to incorporate into your lifestyle and dynamic.  We will discuss the other traditions that influence our leather lifestyles.  We will also discuss the function of rank and hierarchy in the military, and in Victorian (and perhaps even Edwardian) households and how these can translate into M/s, D/s and related relationships.


Normalizing Failure 
DaddyDaun and slavegirl j
FRIDAY 10:00 am - 11:30 am / Dungeon

Sir DaddyDaun and slavegirl j spent 8 years traveling together in a space that's about the size of the average home bathroom. There were no doors to slam when angry, no separate spaces to be in T/their own feelings.  Despite sharing the good, bad and ugly, the common perception is what T/they have is #couplegoals.  The truth is through being a new couple, titleholding, health crisis and your average partner squabble, T/they have both done each O/other damage. T/they know it’s all a part of being human but dang if it doesn’t feel like you are the only one hurting this way.  Join T/them in a vulnerable conversation and be reminded you have not failed, only stumbled.
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Presenter Name
FRIDAY 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm / Tent A
Class Description

Class Name 
Presenter Name
FRIDAY 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm / Tent B

Class Description

Class Name 
Master Castle and slave Chy
FRIDAY 1:00 pm- 2:30 pm / Dungeon

Class Description

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Presenter Name
FRIDAY 3:00 pm- 4:30 pm / Tent A

Class Description

Codependency in Power Exchange 
Master Malcolm and farrah
FRIDAY 3:00 pm- 4:30 pm / Dungeon

This thought-provoking presentation explores codependency in Power Exchange and kink. Codependency is a complex pattern of interaction that can occur in any type of relationship, but due to the power imbalance in Power Exchange and cultural context of the kink community, can be particularly difficult to navigate.

Drawing on current research and clinical experience this workshop guides attendees through the manifestation and consequences of codependence in Power Exchange and kink dynamics including; examination of key characteristics of codependent behavior, strategies for addressing codependent patterns, and the impact of codependency on consent and individual mental health.

This presentation is designed for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Power Exchange relationships, as well as individuals struggling with codependency or a history of trauma and abuse. Whether you are new to the kink community or a seasoned veteran, this presentation provides valuable insight on navigating the challenging terrain of service, caretaking, and codependency in kink and Power Exchange.
We Never Thought We Would Run for a Title but You Can Too
DaddyDaun and slavegirl j
SATURDAY 9:00 am- 10:30 am / Tent A

In T/their journey to learn from the best, Sir DaddyDaun and slavegirl j found T/themselves competing for and winning the International Master/slave 2017 contest.  It all started with the intent to be Master and slave, then a conversation with International Master 2016 Ms Rhonda.  From there, T/they gathered advice, questions to answer, wonderful memories, lifelong friendships, and the ability to express T/their passion for being Master and slave.  Had you asked T/them 10 years ago where T/they thought T/they would be, it certainly would not be here!  Come sit with T/them as T/they give back the advice T/they were given, prepping tips, to do lists, and all the real life stuff.  If these jokesters can do it, you can too!
Class Name 
Coral Mallow
SATURDAY 9:00 am- 10:30 am / Tent B

Class Description

M/s Contest
Judge's Interviews
SATURDAY 9:00 am- 10:30 am / Dungeon

The Judges will be interviewing the M/s Contest pairs.  Open to all who wish to observe.

Breaking the Rules: BDSM after the 101 
Sera Miles
SATURDAY 11:00 am- 12:30 pm / Tent A

Rules are meant to be learned, followed, obeyed—and broken? YES—once you have thoroughly learned those rules. Settle in for a spirited discussion-focused workshop on the tenets of negotiation and limit setting; the slippery concept of irresponsibility; and how and when to work through fear to express vulnerability. Examine the parameters of "safe,” as well as how versatile those parameters can be. You've done the 101. And another 101. You've played. You've had dynamics. You've grown. Now, come talk about how, when, where, why, and if to break the rules—even the most sacred among them.
Beyond Bowed Heads: Rituals for Dominance, Submission, and Life at Large
Lee Harrington
SATURDAY 11:00 am- 12:30 pm / Tent B

Rituals are a key part of any D/s relationship, whether acknowledged or otherwise. From casual kisses at the door to formal slave poses, ritual objects such as collars to slave contracts, the BDSM world is rife with concepts of ritual – but what is a ritual? What are the levels of ritualistic interaction we have between one another? Let’s look at our rituals in day to day life (including how to get out of work or parent space), sacred time, intense connection, erotic play, solidifying relationships, changes within relationships, and the taboo subject of the devastating loss of a relationship or its natural end. From terminology to developing codes of ethical interaction, this class covers a bevy of styles and types of interpersonal reactions that can help everyone in a relationship examine what they are already doing, and what they want to build together.
Southwest Regional MAsT Meeting
Facilitator To Be Announced
SATURDAY 11:00 am- 12:30 pm / Tent B

Annual Southwest Regional Masters And slaves Together (MAsT) meeting.  It is a open meeting to all MAsT members and anyone interested in learning more about MAsT.
Masters and their Disasters  
SATURDAY 2:00 pm- 3:30 pm / Tent A

Join Liza (International Master 2011 & 2021) for a "masters" only discussion of our worst nightmares, when the train catches on fire and falls off the trestle and how we recover. (when the train totally goes off the rails) and our greatest successes (when the plane takes flight and our relationship soars).  We will discuss how to recover and grow from disasters, how to bank the lessons from triumphs, and how both are just part of the process.
Class Title 
SATURDAY 2:00 pm- 3:30 pm / Tent B

M/s Contest
Class Presentation by Contestants
SATURDAY 2:00 pm- 3:30 pm / Tent Dungeon

Contestants will present their short 10-minute class presentation.  Open to all who wish to observe.
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