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Master slave 2003 Bert and nadine.jpg
Master slave 2004 Z and tony.jpg
Master slave 2005 Guardian and sugar.jpg
swms weekend logo.jpg
Master slave 2008 Malik and cathy.jpg
Master slave 2009 Bob and dorothy.jpg
Master slave 2010 Obsidian and namaste.jpg
Master slave 2011 George and brynn.jpg
Master slave 2012 Mystic and marika.jpg
Master slave 2013 Todd and elizabeth.jpg

Master Bert & slave nadine
(Phoenix, AZ)
Southwest Master / slave 2003 
International Master / slave 2003

Master Z & slaveboy tony
(Dallas, TX)
Southwest Master / slave 2004
International Master / slave 2004

Master Guardian & slave sugar
(Las Vegas, NV)
​Southwest Master / slave 2005

Master Konrad & slave kat
(Las Vegas, NV)
Southwest Master / slave 2006

Master Malik & slave cathy
(Tulsa, OK)
Southwest Master / slave 2008

Wizard Bob & slave dorothy
(Tulsa, OK)
Southwest Master / slave 2009

Master Obsidian & slave namaste
(Austin, TX)
Southwest Master / slave 2010 
International Master / slave 2010

Master George & slave bren
(Los Angeles, CA)
Soutwest Master / slave 2011

Sir Mystic and Marika
(Santa Fe, NM)
Southwest Master / slave 2012

Master Todd and slave Elizabeth
(Round Rock, TX)
​Southwest Master / slave 2013

Master Valentino and slave Panda
(Victorville, CA)

Southern California Master/slave 2013
Southwest Master / slave 2014

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Master slave 2014 Valentino and panda.jpg
Master slave 2015 Gareth and toy.jpg

Sir Gareth and slave toi
(Denver, CO)

Colorado Master/slave 2014
Southwest Master / slave 2015

Master slave 2016 Orpheus and indigo.jpg

Orpheus Black & Indigo Black
(Los Angeles, California)

Southern California Master/slave 2014/2015
Southwest Master / slave 2016

Master slave 2017 Dennis and bonnie(2).jpg

Master Dennis & slave bonnie
(Phoenix, AZ)

Arizona Master/slave 2016
Southwest Master / slave 2017

Master slave 2018 David and Brynn.jpg

Master David and slave brynn
(Bakersfield, CA)
Southern California Master/slave 2017
Southwest Master/slave 2018 
International Master/slave 2019

Master slave 2019 Michael and Rebekah.jpg

Master Michael and slave rebekah 
(Colorado Springs, CO)
Colorado Master/slave 2018
Southwest Master/slave 2019/2020

Master slave 2022 Beast and Echo.jpg

Master Beast and slave Echo
(Longmont, CO)
Colorado Master/slave 2019-2020-2021
Southwest Master/slave 2021
International Master/slave 2022

Master slave 2019 Michael and Rebekah.jpg

Master Michael and slave rebekah 
(Colorado Springs, CO)
Colorado Master/slave 2018
Southwest Master/slave 2019/2020/2022

Master Retro Bella and slave boydrake
(Bakersfield, CA)
Southwest Master/slave 2023
International Master/slave 2024

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