Event Location
Event Location
The regional Master/slave contests were inspired in 2002. At that time, Master Jim and slave marsha, owners of the International Master/slave Contest, wished to help establish five regions to serve as "feeder contests" for the event held during the South Plains Leather Fest weekend in Dallas, TX. In October of that first year, the Southeast Master/slave Contest was established at the Together In Leather (TIL) event held in Charlotte, NC.
In January 2003, the Southwest Master/slave Contest was established at Southwest Leather Conference in Phoenix, AZ. That first year, the SWLC title was won by Master Bert and slave nadine, who later went on to win the International Master/slave title in February 2003. This dynamic duo was followed by Master Z and slaveboy Tony who also went on to win the International title in February 2004.
Master Obsidian and slave namaste took their 2010 SW Ms title right into winning the International Master/slave 2010. Master David and slave brynn won the SW Ms title 2018 and also went on to win the 2019 International title. Master Beast and slave echo won the 2021 SW Ms title then won the 2022 International Master/slave title.
The growth of Master/slave communities at local levels in the Southwest region prompted the introduction of State Master/slave Feeder Contests in 2014. Some states in the region have established Master/slave contests and some states have producers who are currently in the planning stages. Contestant pairs from states with active Master/slave feeder contests must compete and win that feeder contest to compete in the Southwest Master/slave contest. If your state does not have a State Feeder, you may apply directly to the Southwest M/s Contest Producers to compete.
If you are interested in establishing a State M/s Contest as a feeder to the SW Regional M/s Contest, please contact the SW M/s Contest Producers for more information.
When you look at the Title Holder History page, you'll notice that in the early years some couples won their Southwest Title and their International Title in the same year. At that time the SW Ms contest was held in January and the International contest was held in March. A couple winning at SW in January had to turn around and compete at the International in March. This was a lot to take on, plus, if the couple won at International, the SW region really did not get to have their regional title holder because they were now International title holders. The Southwest Region was the only region to face this challenge since the other four regions had their Regional Contest after March.
In 2014, the SW region changed the rules and the January SW winner did not compete at the International until March of the next year. Therefore, Couples who won the SW title were "Title Holders Elect" from January until March because the previous year title couple could not step down from the SW title until after they competed at International. Then the Title Holders Elect became the new SW Ms title holders until they completed their competition at International the following March.
It was confusing, but allowed the SW title holders to get a full year in title before stepping into the International competition.